日本財団 図書館


Ophthalmic solutions of astringents/anti-inflammatory agents
?@F Daigaku Eye Solution (combined drug)
?AShin Photo Ophthalmic Solution (combined drug)
?BRohto V40 (combined drug)
These products contain astringents (which generate a protective membrane on the mucosa or wound surface), angiotonics, and disinfectants. They are intended to control non-infectious inflammation and injection of the eyes.
Indications: Eyestrain, conjunctival injection, blurred vision, and prevention of ophthalmic disorders related to dust or sweat. These agents are also effective for the treatment of blepharitis and conjunctivitis.
Dosage: ?@ & ?A & ?B Apply of 2-3 drops, from 5 to 6 times daily.


Antipyretics/analgesics/anti-inflammatory agents
?@Indacin (Indomethacin suppository 25 mg)
?AVoltaren (Diclofenac sodium suppository 25 mg)
These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect as well as antipyretic/analgesic effects. These suppository preparations are useful for patients who cannot take drugs orally, since systemic absorption of the active drug substances occurs via the rectal mucosa.
Indications: Analgesia and suppression of inflammation in patients with wound pain, back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and arthrosis deformans, as well as after surgery. Immediate control of fever due to acute upper respiratory tract infection (when no other antipyretic can be used).
Dosage: ?@ & ?A 25 mg (one suppository) once or twice daily. Insert the suppository into rectum.
Precautions: 1. These drugs should not be used in patients with peptic ulcer, hepatic disease, aspirin allergy, proctitis, rectal bleeding, or hemorrhoids.
2. Since these drugs may cause anaphylactic shock, gastrointestinal bleeding, and peptic ulcer, sufficient attention should be paid to the possible occurrence of these reactions.
3. These drugs may cause anorexia, nausea, vomiting, gastric pain, and diarrhea.
Storage: In a cool place.


Drugs acting on the peripheral nervous system
Atropine derivatives
Buscopan (Scopolamine butylbromide suppository 10 mg)
See (P.31) the information on the oral preparation of scopolamine butylbromide. The suppository should only be used when the patient cannot take the drug orally.
Indocations: See the information on the oral preparation of scopolamine butylbromide.
Dosage: 10 mg (one suppository) 1-5 times daily. Insert the suppository into rectum.
1 The drug may cause dry mouth, abdominal distention, headache, and dull headache.
2 The drug may also cause skin rashes. In the event of rash a rask developing, the use of this product should be discontinued.
Storage: In a cool place.


?@White soft paraffin
?AHydrophilic petrolatum
These preparations protect skin lesions from external stimuli.
Prevention of dry skin, and treatment of bedsores, chaps, and cracks. They are also used as an aid to topical antibiotic ointment for extensive burns.
Dosage: ?@ & ?A Apply directly or with gauze. When applied to an exudative lesion, a thick wad of gauze should be used to promote absorption of the exudate.
1 These preparations must not be applied to infected foci.
2 Use should be discontinued when any symptom of hypersensitivity
(e.g., redness, rash, oritching) occurs.
Storage: At room temperature.




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